expEDIum secure & advanced expEDIum Medical Billing (eMB) is a complete Cloud-based Practice Management and Medical Billing Software. This solution can integrate seamlessly and securely with cloud/Web-based EMR/EHR/clinical applications. This solution has already been integrated with a few specialty EHR/EMR Solutions, and one such integrated solution is the leading integrated EHR + PMS + Billing Solution in a State.
Since expEDIum focus is on providing an ideal and cost-effective Medical Billing and Practice Management Solution in the cloud, forming a strategic relationship with EHR/EMR vendors, and providing them with a complete, seamlessly integrated EHR + PMS + Clearinghouse in a single solution offers with immense quality and value to the partnership. The expEDIum Medical Billing solution has a secure web service interface available through which data can be exchanged between EHR & expEDIum using our proprietary XML in real-time, and a single "auto login" from EHR to PMS can be done. EMR/EHR can also have their own UX/UI using RESTful APIs.
expEDIum Medical Billing Software is available in SaaS (Software as a Service) model, where we can white label the solution for EHR/EMR partners. This solution can be hosted on an intranet or the internet. Request a demo of our seamless EHR integration module for this product to check various touch points available.